COVID-19 Information

This page applies to all people who register, individually or as part of a team, to play in the League.  All such people will be deemed to have read, understood, and accepted all of the information herein.  Please review the following sections:
  • Assumption of risk, waiver, and safety protocols in the time of COVID-19; and
  • Answers to FAQ’s about refunds, credits, etc.

Current status of Covid-19 restrictions (updated: 1/23/22)
As of 1/23/22:  None (and let’s hope it stays that way)!
As of 8/20/21:  None (and let’s hope it stays that way)!

Please note, however, that should restrictions be put in place during the season, all players will be responsible for adhering to any such restrictions, including any changes in League rules, policies, or procedures made in order to effectuate such restrictions.  All players should be familiar with the League’s Covid-19 policies and procedures, just in case.

Current status of mask requirements for the League (updated: 5/28/21)
As of 5/30/21: we have received (unofficial) word that the mask mandate will be lifted for our League.  That being said, masks will still be required for Spring, at least through the regular season, unless you hear otherwise from the League or from the referees.  Those who registered for the Spring did so with the expectation that masks would be required; however, if there is nobody on either team that has issues with not playing in masks, no masks will be required.  This will be determined by the League and the referees only.  If one person on either team has a preference for masks, both teams must wear them – and, as annoying as it may be, please do not be upset with any people who prefer that masks continue to be worn.  The League will communicate with Captains prior to the Spring playoffs to determine if all players in the playoffs are comfortable without wearing masks.

As of 5/21/21: The League would like for NOTHING more than to not have to wear masks.  This has been the case since we started back up in 2020.  Now, many of us are likely familiar with increasingly relaxed COVID-19 restrictions across the state, including masks.  Sadly, that is not YET the case in Baltimore City.  Until advised otherwise, masks are still required at all times in and around the larger fence at UTZ.

I am pressing the City constantly to give us the okay to stop wearing masks, but until that okay comes in from BCRP, masks are required.  Even if that okay comes in before the Spring season is over, masks will still be required for the remainder of the Spring season because some people registered with the understanding that masks would be required for the season.  It is not reasonable to those people (however few there may be) to change the rules mid-season.

I sincerely HOPE that we get the okay for no masks for the Summer, and I will continue to press the City on that.

COVID-19:  Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Safety Protocols
Charm City Soccer League (the “League”) is actively looking to resume (or continue) play, but understands and appreciates the risks associated with COVID-19 and its transmission.  The League strongly suggests and encourages all to take caution and adhere to social distancing, mask wearing, and other public health guidance as often as possible.

There are inherently risks associated by resuming (or continuing) to play including, but not limited to, the possible transmission of COVID-19.  The risk of transmission is reported to be significantly diminished by virtue of playing outside rather than indoors.  Regardless, by playing in the League, all players fully understand and acknowledge these risks and accept them by virtue of their playing in, and association with, the League.  The League’s waiver, required to be signed by all players prior to playing in the League, is further understood to include the risks of COVID-19 without any additional signature by the League participant, and all League Representatives (as defined in the League’s waiver), including any venues hosting League games or social activities, will be held harmless pursuant to, and with all the protections of, the League’s waiver.

Regarding safety protocols for all games while COVID-19 is an issue, unless otherwise indicated:

  • Players coming to – and leaving from – the field should wear masks.  A number of players were wearing masks as they came to the field and left the field (thank you!), but many players were not.  Please ensure that masks are worn at this time; Captains/Assistant Captains, please remind your players to do so.
  • Entering UTZ field prior to your team’s game.  The teams entering the field prior to their game should adhere to the following simple measures to assist in a socially distancing by congregating in a socially distanced manner in one of the following places:
    • On a separate side of the entrance to UTZ field (on the hill, under the trees for shade);
    • In the bleachers, provided it is possible to socially distance from people already in the stands;
    • Under the Living Classrooms pavilion; or
    • On a sideline not near another team or another team’s belongings.
  • Congregating on the sidelines.  Players finishing their game should promptly gather their belongings and move from the sideline to give those players in the following game the opportunity to place their belongings.  Once the prior teams’ players gather their belongings and move from the sidelines, the players on the hill can come down and take the field.  Each team should congregate on a separate sideline in a socially distanced manner.  Please continue to wear masks while on the sidelines, unless you are able to remain socially distanced from other teammates on the sidelines.
  • Wear masks during games.  In accordance with the Baltimore City Health Commissioner’s Order regarding face coverings on July 24, 2020, any individual over 2 years old “shall wear face coverings whenever they are in public and social distancing is not possible.”
    • Though the League made a concerted effort to argue that Governor Hogan’s mask mandate is subject to an exception for persons “while swimming or engaging in other physical activities where the use of Face Covering is likely to pose a bona fide safety risk,” BCRP denied this argument and, thus, we are required to wear masks at all times.

Masks are REQUIRED at all times!
The League would like for nothing more than to NOT need masks.  Really.  They’re a nuisance and they’re definitely inconvenient.  But they are mandated by Baltimore City for health reasons because of the ongoing pandemic.  The League has already been warned by Baltimore City due to players not adhering to the mask requirement over the Summer.  Please do not get upset with the League for enforcing the mandate.  We’re just adhering to requirements.

Because of the sanctions against the League for failure to adhere to the mask mandate, enforcement of the mask mandate will be STRICTAll players and guests within UTZ Field must be properly wearing a mask at all times, which means the mask must be covering your mouth and nose.  The only exception is when players are drinking water.  Failure to wear a mask will result in the League forfeiting its permit and all amounts paid to rent the field for a period of six (6) months.  That means no soccer for any of us.  Please don’t be that person.

Mask sanctions:

  • If you do not have a mask, you may not play.  No exceptions.
  • Failure to properly wear a mask will be an automatic yellow card.  No warning will be given on the field.  If this is one of two yellow cards received in one day, that will result in a red card to that player (but the team will not lose a player on the field).
    • If a mask cannot be properly worn (e.g., it keeps falling down on the person’s face in-game), the referees may stop the game and that player must come off the field to fix or replace their mask
  • The referees will be enforcing the mask mandate and will be imposing sanctions as appropriate.  Do not ask or expect the referees to “look the other way.”  Please do NOT get upset with the referees as they are only adhering to Baltimore City’s requirements.
  • Excuses that are not valid include, but are not limited to:
    • “I forgot my mask”;
    • “The mask won’t stay up and I don’t have another”; or
    • “I have a doctor’s note (or an exemption)”.

Hopefully the need (requirement) to wear masks will not extend beyond this season!  In the meantime, please just wear it.  For those looking to find a good sports mask, this Under Armour mask has gotten pretty good reviews.  Wearing masks will assist in preventing another significant interruption in our ability to play – not only for the current season, but also for future seasons.

Players understand that:

  • They are playing at their own risk.
  • They may not play under any circumstances if:
    • They are known to have tested positive for COVID-19; or
    • They have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19; and
    • They may only resume playing after no fewer than 14 days thereafter or until such time as they no longer test positive for COVID-19, whichever is later.
  • They should not play if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
  • The League will endeavor to have hand sanitizer available for games, but players are strongly encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer and use it as frequently as may be necessary.
  • It is incumbent on the individual adults in the League to ensure that they do not have a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19.  Unless otherwise required by CDC or the state/local government, temperature checks will not be performed by the League for the following reasons:
    • Particularly during the Summer and on hot days, temperature checks may not produce results accurately reflecting a fever; and
    • Given the possibility of asymptomatic spread, lack of a fever does not necessarily indicate that a person has not contracted COVID-19.
  • Social distancing, where possible, is also strongly encouraged, particularly players who may be at the field before or after their game.
  • They shall alert the League if they test positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of their last participation in the League.  The League will make a concerted effort to notify as many who may have been exposed to such an infected person as is practicable.

When the League is informed that a player has tested positive for COVID-19, the League will email that player’s team and the team s/he played against to inform them of a positive case.  Please note that it would be unrealistic to expect that we will go through the season without any players testing positive.  In fact, it is reasonable to expect that this may happen to a few players each week.  The objective of the safety/social distancing measures are intended to significantly diminish, not eliminate, the risk of transmission.

Credits, Refunds, and Related FAQ’s
Credits have been given to players who registered for the Spring 2020 season, which was not able to be played due to COVID-19.  These credits will be good through the Spring season of 2021 (and may be further extended, in the sole discretion of the League).

Due to the understanding and acceptance of risks associated with playing while COVID-19 (or any similar virus/ailment) may be an issue, any player who agrees to play during the Summer 2020 session (or any session thereafter potentially impacted by COVID-19), may not be eligible for a credit due to a subsequent feeling of “being uncomfortable” or due to illness associated with COVID-19.  The League recognizes that things can change quickly as it relates to COVID-19.  As a result, a player team may register at a time when cases are flat or decreasing, only to see an uptick in cases shortly thereafter.  The League will issue a full credit for any fees paid by a player or team who, after registering, becomes uncomfortable and no longer wishes to play the season for which they have registered; provided, however, such player or team notifies the League no later than the Roster Deadline (see the Registration page) for the season.  After the Roster Deadline date, should a player or team feel uncomfortable playing for health concerns related to COVID-19, that player or team is by no means required to play.  However, that player or team will forego any League fees for that season and will not be entitled to any credit.  Once a player or team notifies the League beyond the Roster Deadline date of an intention not to play, such a decision may not be changed except in the sole discretion of the League.

As players should be aware, there are generally no refunds in accordance with the League’s Refund Policy.  In light of the potential for a second wave of COVID-19, each player who has registered for this season is doing so knowingly and with full understanding of potential risks including, among other things:

  • This season may be interrupted in part or in full due to a resurgence in the virus and/or a mandated pause by Executive Order (or the like);
  • An outbreak on one team may impact one or more teams from having a scheduled game(s).

Please note that the mere inconvenience of wearing a mask does not make it impossible to play.  Should a situation arise where a team is unable (e.g., it is impossible) to play as a result of following the Safety Protocols, above (or the like), the field will still be available for the opposing team – and any others – to play/scrimmage, etc.  Provided there is no interruption in the League due to state or local governmental action, there will be no credits issued for the season.  If there is an interruption due to state or local governmental action, players will get a credit for approximately a prorated portion of the games that were unable to be played in the sole discretion of the League.

Refunds will not be issued by the League, generally, but players who may not be able to play at all going forward (e.g., have moved or will move out of state) should contact your Team Captain to have your spot replaced by another player.  When your spot is replaced, you will be refunded.  Generally speaking, it is not a question of whether you will be refunded, but rather when.  Your patience is most appreciated.  Players should direct any inquiries about refunds to their Captains, not to the League.

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